Insomnia, the most prevalent sleep disorder, can leave individuals feeling fatigued, irritable, and struggling to focus. Factors, like increased screen time, demanding schedules, substance addiction, and underlying conditions, can disrupt the natural sleep cycle.

Inadequate (adults need 7 hours, children 8-9 hours, and octogenarians 5-6 hours), or poor-quality sleep has far-reaching consequences, compromising physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

What We Offer

Tailored to your unique health needs, our 3-6-12 months packages provide access to a range of benefits:


Personalized consultations with our health experts, as needed.


Express shipping of carefully curated supplements with every order, ensuring convenience and


Access to premium content including yoga, diet videos, and insightful health articles, empowering you with knowledge and guidance.


Exclusive entry to webinar sessions and live events, offering interactive learning and engagement opportunities.


Comprehensive progress tracking of your health condition, allowing you to monitor your journey and make informed decisions.

How It Works


Fill the form , LYBL will call to help with your subscription


Consult with LYBL Health Experts


Track your progress and chat with experts


Join support groups, attend webinars and get upto date content about your condition

Why Choose LYBL?

LYBL's three-pronged protocol addresses the root causes of your sleep disturbances, guiding you towards long-term relief.


Herbal Supplements

LYBL formulations harness the power of herbs like Ashwagandha, Jatamamsi, and Shankhapushpi, clinically proven to improve sleep quality, enhance REM sleep, and reduce dependence on sedatives.


Diet & Lifestyle

Our expert-curated plans incorporate foods rich in proteins, essential amino acids like tryptophans, and
sleep-promoting nutrients. At the same time, our lifestyle recommendations help optimize sleep hygiene and circadian rhythm.


Yoga Protocols

Our evidence-based routines including yoga asanas like Standing Side Stretch pose, Triangle pose, Bee breathing and alternate nostril breathing, and guided relaxation, work in harmony to quiet the mind, alleviate intrusive thoughts, and promote restful, rejuvenating sleep.


Get in touch with us

Please feel free to reach out to us with any enquiries