Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 is a chronic, metabolic disorder characterized by insulin resistance, leading to dangerous glucose buildup, widespread inflammation, and a domino effect of devastating complications. Gut health also plays a vital role, as incretin hormones from a healthy gut stimulate insulin response.

The consequences of unmanaged diabetes can be life-threatening, from heart disease and stroke to nerve damage, vision loss, and debilitating foot problems. Alarmingly, standard treatments of pumping the body with synthesized insulin can worsen the condition, trapping patients in a vicious cycle of deteriorating health, as the body's natural balance is thrown out of sync.

Diabetes Conditions We Address:

  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Diabetic Nephropathy
  • Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
  • Diabetic Ulcer

What We Offer

Tailored to your unique health needs, our 3-6-12 months packages provide access to a range of benefits:


Personalized consultations with our health experts, as needed.


Express shipping of carefully curated supplements with every order, ensuring convenience and


Access to premium content including yoga, diet videos, and insightful health articles, empowering you with knowledge and guidance.


Exclusive entry to webinar sessions and live events, offering interactive learning and engagement opportunities.


Comprehensive progress tracking of your health condition, allowing you to monitor your journey and make informed decisions.

How It Works


Fill the form , LYBL will call to help with your subscription


Consult with LYBL Health Experts


Track your progress and chat with experts


Join support groups, attend webinars and get upto date content about your condition

Why Choose LYBL?

LYBL's three-pronged, evidence-based approach addresses the root causes of Diabetes and works on improving your gut, liver and insulin- sensitivity.


Herbal Supplements

LYBL supplement features a potent blend of herbs like cinnamon and bitter gourd, clinically shown to directly influence insulin action, production, and blood glucose regulation. These natural ingredients work in synergy to provide comprehensive metabolic support.


Diet & Lifestyle

Our researched-backed meal plans, featuring low-glycemic foods like millets, eggs, and chickpeas, are designed to stabilize blood sugar levels. Combined with our exercise and yoga routines, these lifestyle interventions help enhance insulin sensitivity and overall metabolic health.


Yoga Protocols

Our evidence-based yoga sessions, including breathing exercise like Agnisar, help improve gut health, digestion, and glucose uptake by the muscles while reducing the negative impact of stress.


Get in touch with us

Please feel free to reach out to us with any enquiries